How does Surge Social Wi-Fi Marketing Work?
The wifi landing page that visitors will see on their first visit.
Text, images, links – everything is set up according to your taste and the style of your establishment. Any of the stages can be removed, leaving only one page for entering contacts.
When connected, your guest can “Like” your Facebook page, this action will automatically subscribe him/her to the news of your page.
When connected, you can tell guests about a new dish or event that is expected in your establishment in the form of a video or image and text. You can also open your Instagram page for guests or simply leave a link to it.
And if your establishment has an application for a smartphone, our platform will help redirect the visitor when connected to your WiFi directly to the installation page of your application in the Apple Store / Google Play Store. Or, simply invite guests to join your community in any of the instant messengers.

Keep up with the times
Immediately after connecting to Wi-Fi, you can open a multilingual electronic menu from the Me.Menu service for your guests, which will help speed up service, reduce the cost of making a regular menu and improve service for foreign guests.

Connection Page Editor

Add real audiences to your GOOGLE ADS and FACEBOOK advertising campaigns



Real-time analytics

More detailed analytics in the “Reports” and “Graph” tabs.

CRM systems, services, and programs that can be integrated with our system