
Contact database

So you installed our platform, set up automations so that your visitors would not forget about you. Time has passed and the guest base has accumulated, what to do about it?

In the Contacts menu, you can view each contact separately by selecting it from the list. This is a visit history, automations and broadcast history that will show you the effectiveness of mailing and automation.


You can create a guest list according to various parameters: connection method (social networks, sms, mail, etc.), device type and operating system, gender (if you ask for it), number of visits, periods.

And also you can arrange the lists in a specific order according to the parameters: number of visits, date of visit, time spent with you.

Each of the created lists can be saved to an excel file.
To do this, click on the arrow next to the export box, you will see the inscription
Export as CSV, after clicking on the inscription, the file download will start.

1.2. Contact database

How can this information be useful?

You can encourage customers to spend more time at your company, congratulate them on the holidays, bring those who have not been for a long time with interesting offers, or increase the turnout of one-time guests.

Send messages anytime directly from your customer base.